Monday, May 14, 2012

Busy May

Adoption - Things are progressing rapidly to bring R & B home! Documents left for The Assistant Stork today. The dossier is complete minus homestudy. Homestudy is done but waiting on report. Once that is in hand I can send in the dossier, file the I600-A and get the USCIS portion moving. I received new pictures over the weekend which thrilled me to no end. Fundraising begins next week and will hopefully begin to replenish some of what has been going out so rapidly!

Jacob - This little guy is just a delight...a stubborn, loud delight with a bit of a mean streak:) You might liken him to a bully as he tries to do everything first and best. He gets so upset with himself when he can't do what he is attempting. He is a natural athlete and my only decision will be which sport to enroll him in when he is old enough. He has actual conversation now though some does need interpreting still. We have begun working on potty training on an infrequent basis. He has control and he has no effort going when he tries but that stubborn streak runs strong and many times he just will not try. His teachers absolutely adore him both at daycare and church which makes my leaving him a bit easier.

Joseph - What a busy month for this little boy. He has been playing soccer and is beginning to look like he is deliberately scoring. Most games he scores 2-3 goals with the one game exception when he burst into tears because he didn't score. He expects so much from himself. 

Good action shot from this past weekend
Trophies followed this game!

Joseph graduated from pre-school this past week. I'm a pro at graduation and held it together except when a song played during a video with the words, "I can remember when, you fit in the palm of my hand." Most parents cried because they have this memory. I cried because I don't. Still not certain Joseph knew what graduation was all about, but he sure looked handsome and all grown up!
Just look at that smile as he walked past me!

 We also registered for kindergarten last week! Bless his heart he was so scared. Even seeing his nephew Colten walk by didn't ease the fear of being left. He literally clung to me as I filled out paperwork with his little heart beating so fast I thought it would jump through his chest.

Can't tell he was nervous in this shot made before we went in:)

"I'm 5, really I'm 5" rang out on Saturday when he heard his wake up chorus of Happy Birthday. There are many pictures I could share, but this is one of my favorite.

I was listening to a chorus of "cool" and "awesome" when he threw his hands in the air and exclaimed, "Yes, I'm 5!!!"
 Finally, Joseph finished immunizations this morning until he turns 11. Those little legs are going to be mighty sore at practice tonight. Ending with a picture of me and my little guys taken last week at a pre-graduation dinner. I absolutely love these boys to death and cannot imagine my life without them. We still get lots of stares and questions as to if they are mine. Recently in response to pictures of the girls I am hearing "are they siblings?" Well, by the grace of God yes they are! Seven children perhaps born over three decades and in three parts of the world, but siblings none the less!

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