It seems that every day I open my daily devotional recently I find
just the words to get me through another moment of doubt and fear. August 23rd, "Entrust your loved ones to me; release them into my protective care. They are much safer with me than in your clinging hands." I have done this countless times before with children away at college, on a date, making poor life choices, in another country at war to protect our freedoms, just to name a few. This time I literally have no choice but to rely on God's wisdom, grace, and mercy once again as I find myself thousands of miles from my children...wanting them home but wanting more to ease their suffering. I haven't slept much since receiving new pictures of the girls mid-week. I feel so blessed to be a part of the first group's trip to the DRC. These first families are bringing their children home early next week and I got to be a part of that journey through pictures and e-mail updates. I also saw precious pictures of R & B as they were introduced to their new family with delivery of their first care package. I saw the card being read that I sent and them flipping through their photo albums, wearing stickers Joseph and Jacob sent, and clutching dolls I picked ever so carefully for them. The girls are beautiful, they are growing, but they are in pain. It seems most of children are in the same shape. Jiggers have all but eaten away at the feet of these precious girls. Apparently there is no treatment until arrival for pick-up as they will just be re-infested. In the meantime the locals wait for the rainy season and relief that comes at that time. As I looked upon those beautiful faces and those horrific pictures of their feet I have been heartbroken and sickened. I have been a pediatric nurse for 17 years and don't think I have ever seen anything that brought me so close to tears and physical illness. Please pray for relief from pain for all of the children involved and pray for an expeditious homecoming.
I am awaiting paperwork from what I believe to be their final court date. Then there are many forms to get through the system and more waiting for word to travel. Though I just began the process a few months ago each moment is agonizing as we wait.
B's feet. Pray that toes will not be lost, that infection will not go systemic, that pain will be eased. |
In the meantime, life here goes on as normal. I decided to take the plunge and begin house hunting and fell in love with a home literally three times the size of my current one. After much prayer I took the plunge and put mine on the market and a contract pending sale on my current home. I hope to move the end of September if the house sells. If not, I will likely begin expansion on my current home and wait a while before considering this life change. I also have narrowed the choices of a new vehicle large enough to carry us all and will begin looking for a low mileage gently used mini van in the near future.
Summer has gone by way to quickly! The boys are good. Well, except...Jacob was diagnosed with molluscum on his face several months back. As that began spreading and he persistently picked I went through two prescriptions to find the trick to eliminating them. He has a scar on his right cheek from removal by cream and wound up with cellulitis in that same eye after picking one below his eyebrow but it seems they are gone. He also has been suffering with awful allergies for several weeks and today brought a second day in three weeks that he coughed all day (and continues now two hours past bedtime despite inhalers and benadryl). Joseph seems to have grown out of his allergies...really hope I don't eat those words. He finally got his long awaited day and began kindergarten on Tuesday of this week. He was so nervous he tried to put his jeans on minus underwear and shirt on over his pajama top! He is very tired having only recently transitioned from daily naps but loves going to school and LOVES riding the bus home. He has also officially grown out of all size 4 and 5T clothing and completely grown from the toddler look into a young boy.
You can see the excitement all over his face as he took his place at his desk!
All ready for his first day of kindergarten!
Not to be outdone, here is a recent picture of Jacob who is growing up all too fast. We finally captured that gorgeous smile! There is a horrible glare because I took a picture of the picture, but I wanted to share this handsome man!
Finally, I invite you to view our family video at to be aired tomorrow or Monday. This is a huge opportunity for fundraising so spread the word!
See the meanness oozing forth as he gives that horse a squeeze:)
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