We celebrated Joseph's 4th birthday the second time with a Diego party on May 15th with family and friends. Despite the cool, drizzly weather we enjoyed some grilled burgers, cake, ice cream, and lots of presents. Just as the smile of a bride cannot be recreated after her wedding day, Joseph did not share that big smile for his birthday party day. I think perhaps he was a bit overwhelmed by all of the attention but he got right into the act of tearing presents open and couldn't decide which new toy to play with first.
Blowing out the birthday candles. He actually got excited and blew them out before we finished singing, so we had to light them back up for the picture |
Jacob quite enjoyed the birthday cake!
Joseph played Smart Start (or Start Smart...I never remember) baseball this Spring/Summer and thoroughly enjoyed learning the sport.
Jacob is not involved in any extracurricular activities just yet. He just enjoys life!
The boys had their first professional pictures made at Portrait Innovations on May 14 and had a blast. New individuals are posted to the side of the main page. They are wearing outfits I bought while at Grace Guest House in this one.
Finally, an update on life in general. Both continue to grow well and are finally almost caught up on shots. Joseph is now 38.8 inches and 36 pounds. He came home at 37.5 inches and 33.5 pounds. Jacob is 33 1/4 inches and 27 pounds 12 ounces. He came home at 31 inches and 23.4 pounds. Their health seems to have stabilized with no more episodes of asthma type symptoms to date. I guess the biggest news and hardest adjustment is that they began daycare this week. They are attending La Petite Academy. Until today Jacob flat refused to eat a bite while there and Joseph is still refusing to nap. There have been tears at drop off by Jacob and pure hysteria from Joseph yesterday when I arrived after other moms and he thought I wasn't coming back. I can already see progression though as they make yet another adjustment to life. Joseph's English continues to improve while Jacob is now saying about 20 words and learning more each day. He even has begun short sentences. My favorite (and one that shows how country I sound to them) is heard every morning when I walk in his room. He springs to his feet and announces "monin," otherwise known as good morning:) Hard to believe they have only been home a little over 5 months and are so adjusted and so Americanized! The most exciting news of all is that we eagerly await the arrival of their older brother David from Iraq. He will be home in just a few short weeks and finally the three will meet. I can't wait to get pictures made of all five children together at last!!
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